You Belong
We can lead people to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
Following the example of Jesus, we want to serve others (Matt 20:25-28). When we get involved in service, we are extending hospitality to each other and our guests. We serve in children's church, on the ministry team, and in our community.
Growing in our faith means that we are being intentional about becoming more like Jesus. We desire that everyone comes to know Jesus and then takes an active role in becoming His disciple (Col 1:9-12). We do this through worship, bible study, praying for each other, and sharing our faith.
Our time, our strengths, and our money are all limited resources when we put them to use for the Kingdom of God they are not divided but multiplied. When we give we give God the opportunity to provide for us and in turn we learn to rely more and more on Him. (Hebrews 13:15-16)